My Pick for Best Vanagon Videos
My picks for the 5 Best Videos for Vanagon Enthusiasts are purely subjective. These might not resonate with your tastes or level of understanding about the platform. However, we might agree that Vanagon owners need more videos like these online.
So that’s exactly what I did. As a Vanagon owner, there’s never enough content on the subject to satisfy my curiosity about the badge. I welcome any input you may have and I can expand on the 5 Best list at a future date.
So let’s get started.
#1 has to be Turbocharged Transformation. It’s the story of a TDI Diesel swap from Boxeer in a 1990 Vanagon. It makes 150 horsepower and more than 200 ft lbs of torque! A must-see for anyone considering an engine swap. Not only is this video pumped full of information, it was produced with high-quality camera and editing work. While this conversion will probably not meet California’s tough regulation laws it’s still worth watching the process.
Living the Van Life.
#2 is from Matt Alig. It is his Top 5 Reasons to Buy a Vanagon. Again, Matt is a well-rounded VW mechanic and I’ve watched hours of his how-to videos, all of which are filled with information about Volkwagens (both air and water-cooled). Many of the points he makes are common knowledge if you’re in the Vanagon community, but for newbies there’s good information here.
Why you should buy a Vanagon.
#3 on our Top 5 list is a video from a few years ago that takes a look at the T25 Vanagon in Europe. It’s basically the Type 2 T3 we have in America. The host Rob Woodland walks viewers through the T25 and makes notes of the functions and features of the platform. It’s a long 12 minute watch and it’s not terribly action packed, but it does offer information from across the Pond about Vanagon.
Rob Woodland’s video on the T25.
#4 on my list is from Vast Overland. It’s a great look at a Vanagon road trip by Abel Longoria of Houston, TX. He’s a photographer and sets the record straight on driving the Vanagon on a road trip like few others have done. Abel walks us through a Texas Vanagons meet up and he interviews other owners in the club. Check it out.
Video from Texas Vanagons club.
The #5 video is the perfect Vanagon video for the creative people out there. Although it’s a sponsored video the host walks us through how to live full-time in a Vanagon. The video is produced with a part DIY how-to and part opinion piece based on off-grid living. The camera angles were handled creatively and it was nice to see plenty of drone scenes.
Video about solar power for Vanagons.

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