A Dog’s Life
Do All Dogs Swim?
Any dog swims… kinda. While swimming doesn’t come naturally to all breeds like Bull dogs and Basset Hounds and some others, dogs do “dog paddle” in water. Whether or not they can swim across a pool is another thing, and before you tempt fate be sure to buy a doggy vest first just in case.
Is Your Dog a Retriever?
Not all dogs are considered “working dogs.” Some are couch potatoes. But with training and daily exercise any dog can be trained to retrieve.
German Shepard Becomes First Dog To Find Avalanche Survivor in America
St. Bernards get all the credit for snow rescues, and deservingly so. But it was a German Shepard named Bridget, who heroically became the first dog in North America to find a survivor in the worst mountain avalanche disaster in ski resort history.
Websites About Dogs
Websites for dog breeders don’t have to be high-tech, they simply have to be usable. Learn what to include and how to create a beautiful Website for your dog breeding business.
Free Pet Vaccinations
Community pet expos can be a cheap or free way to stay on top of your pet vaccinations for rabies, distemper and other common ailments.
App Smart Sliding Door Opener
Tired of opening and closing your heavy sliding door for your pet? We may have found a product that does the job for you without a remote, or any hard-to-install hardware.
AKC Competitions You'll Enjoy
American Kennel Club offers loads of competitions for your dog. From obedience to field trials, and you and your dog will love it. However, because these are competitions people tend to be nervous, especially newcomers. One way to avoid the jitters is to unleash your inner-child.
Podcasting About Dogs
Podcasts by dog trainers are reaching large audiences of listeners ready to take advice on any number of subjects. Robert Cabral interviews me about AKC Hunt Test programs nationwide.
Marijuana Intoxication in Dogs
This is a must-read for anyone that thinks their dog might have eaten a marijuana laced product.
Pepsi Saved My Dog's Life
Believe it, or not drinks like Pepsi and Coke may actually keep your dog healthy and safe! Here’s my true story.
Dog Threats at Home
There’s a hidden packet in each bag of Jerky you eat. Do you know that this packet might be harmful to your family dog? Reach more.
Negative and Positive Reinforcement
What you need to know about today’s e-collars for dogs. In the wrong hands they can cause terrible issues. This story talked about what you should know before you buy.
Where Did the Labrador Come From?
Ever wonder why Labs are America’s most popular dog year after year? It’s simple, they love being around people of all ages and genders. They are considered the very best family dog. But there’s more to learn about Labs than how sweet they can be around people.
Filming Dogs
This is one of my favorite video clips from Retrievers in the Field, filmed by outdoor videographer Rick Westphal of Westphal Productions.
Force-Free Training for Retrievers
Karen Pryor wrote a book that I've read many times called Don't Shoot the Dog. It is a training manual for dog owners that I encourage everyone to read at least once. Anyone with a love for animals will get something from her advice and story that they may not find elsewhere.
AKC Hunt Tests: This Is Why I Do It
If you’ve never seen a working dog like a Retriever in action, you’re missing out on one of life’s biggest pleasures. Retrievers have been working with us as for eons, and their natural instincts to retrieve is simply amazing to watch.
6 Essential Tips for Hiking with Your Dog
Responsible dog owners love to hike outdoors with their four-legged companions and seldom is there a problem. But while our beautiful wilderness looks safe enough, the wild outdoors can become life-threatening in an instant.
Puppy Breath
Little puppies have such sweet smelling breath, and I discovered that much of a dog’s freshness comes from good oral health, and dear old mom.
Is Your Dog a Hollywood Star?
Ever since the days of Lassie on TV or the slobbering St. Bernard in the feature film Beethoven, dogs have been used in television and film production.