No Dog is Bad

She’s guilty. Some dogs get very submission when confronted with bad behavior.
Torn slippers, ripped socks, missing glasses, and food disappearing off your counters. Sound familiar?
Take action right away before bad dog behavior turns into a major long-term problem. Here are some quick, easy ideas that might help:
The number one fix is that the dog needs to be obedience trained and that might include clicker trained. There’s a great video on how to stop a dog's counter-surfing. I suggest that you take a look at this video by Kikopup because it uses positive reinforcement to stop counter surfing. Dog Training by Kikopup
If you catch your dog getting into trouble immediately place the dog in a kennel or exercise pen to let them think about it for a while. It’s a “time out” just like children. Then take the dog out after a short while, and play with the dog.
Here are things you shouldn’t do: Don’t physically punish the dog or use an e-collar, or any other form of control. Don’t say NO. You simply want to get the attention with loud sudden noise as referenced above, immediately followed by the kennel. There are plenty of devices online like the Tattle Tale that can automatically be set to make a loud noise that might help if the dog is counter surfing.
The best advice is to simply not leave things exposed. This includes food, mail, clothes, etc. The dog will have a difficult time being bad if nothing is laying around. However, they always have something to keep them occupied like a toy that squeaks, or a beef marrow bone (pigs’ ears are great too).

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