A Dog’s Life
Podcasting About Dogs
Podcasts by dog trainers are reaching large audiences of listeners ready to take advice on any number of subjects. Robert Cabral interviews me about AKC Hunt Test programs nationwide.
Negative and Positive Reinforcement
What you need to know about today’s e-collars for dogs. In the wrong hands they can cause terrible issues. This story talked about what you should know before you buy.
Where Did the Labrador Come From?
Ever wonder why Labs are America’s most popular dog year after year? It’s simple, they love being around people of all ages and genders. They are considered the very best family dog. But there’s more to learn about Labs than how sweet they can be around people.
Filming Dogs
This is one of my favorite video clips from Retrievers in the Field, filmed by outdoor videographer Rick Westphal of Westphal Productions.
Force-Free Training for Retrievers
Karen Pryor wrote a book that I've read many times called Don't Shoot the Dog. It is a training manual for dog owners that I encourage everyone to read at least once. Anyone with a love for animals will get something from her advice and story that they may not find elsewhere.
AKC Hunt Tests: This Is Why I Do It
If you’ve never seen a working dog like a Retriever in action, you’re missing out on one of life’s biggest pleasures. Retrievers have been working with us as for eons, and their natural instincts to retrieve is simply amazing to watch.
6 Essential Tips for Hiking with Your Dog
Responsible dog owners love to hike outdoors with their four-legged companions and seldom is there a problem. But while our beautiful wilderness looks safe enough, the wild outdoors can become life-threatening in an instant.
Is Your Dog a Hollywood Star?
Ever since the days of Lassie on TV or the slobbering St. Bernard in the feature film Beethoven, dogs have been used in television and film production.
What Happened to Cesar Millan?
Cesar Millan’s story is well-known among dog lovers everywhere. In short, he illegally crossed the border between Mexico and the U.S. in his youth, worked low paying jobs to eat, slept in his car, and through some divine miracle (or destiny) he managed to become one of America’s most beloved television dog trainers.
Teach Your Dog to Retrieve
Fetch is a game that every dog owner has played at some time in their life. The dog chases the dry rubber ball and returns it back to the thrower, somewhat more slimy than before. Simple. It’s a great game and most dogs happily play it.
5 Easy Dog Training Tips
My dog is smarter than your dog! Ever heard that one? My dog sits, fetches, heels, spins on a dime to every whistle command and comes when I call her. Can your dog do that? If that sounds familiar, I've got good news. Your dog can easily learn these simple commands. Dogs are begging to be trained.