Car Culture
When Models and Marketing Collide
Believe it or not, the history of pin-up models dates back to the late 1800s.
Vanagon Rust: Patch Panels and Fixes
Rust is not your friend. Stomp it out and never let it come back to destroy your classic Vanagon. This story follows rust removal from start to finish.
Exploring the VW Vanagon
Is the Vanagon the next big thing? Yes, especially if you track the growing community of owners. Like the stock market, the prices for a used Vanagon are constantly fluctuating. Be prepared if you are thinking of selling or buying one.
Is the hobby of collecting rare or exclusive auto-related things a curse or a blessing? I think the answer lies somewhere in between.
Automatic Vanagons: What to Know
The auto trans on the T3 Vanagon is a beast. It can run flawlessly for 250,000 miles. Problems arise when it begins to leak ATF or gear oil. I’m in the middle of the research but here’s a quick overview for those interested.
Vanagon Auto Door Locks: Why they fail and how-to fix it
Vanagons with power door locks are prone to failure due to bad wiring, blown fuses and water damage. It happened to me.
Top 10 Things that Go Wrong with Vanagon
The Vanagon community is huge, and there is an endless data bank of information about this classic van. But where do you start? Find out now!
Photographing a Car Like a Pro
So you want to become a better car photographer? You’ve probably seen all the cool photographs in magazines like Car and Driver and you are pumped at the prospect. Here's how they do it.
Why Your Car Parts Fail
My last visit to the local VW service center got me thinking about why car repairs always seem to happen at the worst time.
5 Safety Tips for Vanagon Lovers
The Vanagon is a great vehicle. But they are finicky and you have to schedule your trips carefully.
$500 Car Magazine? It’s True
How can a dog-eared car magazine be worth more than the paper it is written on? Believe it or not, some old car magazines have a good deal of value to collectors of nostalgia. That’s if you’ve kept them in very good condition.
Magic Hour of Photography
Overheard a couple of people talking the other day. They were discussing photography and light. Both were amateur photographers I think, but they had obviously been studying the afternoon skies.
Only Reason to Use "Social Media"
Social media has become a synonym for opinions, memes, and agendas. It’s a powerful medium. Here’s the but. It can be a portal for constructive collaboration between like-minded people.
Preventing a Car Fire
Road trips can be the most memorable times in our lives, punctuated by days of basking in the great outdoors with family and friends. So some careful planning goes a long way in ensuring that we enjoy the scenery no matter what we drive — from vans and motorhomes to tow rigs.