Car Culture
Automatic Vanagons: What to Know
The auto trans on the T3 Vanagon is a beast. It can run flawlessly for 250,000 miles. Problems arise when it begins to leak ATF or gear oil. I’m in the middle of the research but here’s a quick overview for those interested.
5 Embarrassing Lessons About Buying Vanagons
5 Embarrassing Lessons About Vanagons is a must-read for those considering purchasing one.
Vanagon Speedometer Cable Repair
4 Minute Read
Do you have a broken speedometer cable? Here’s an easy fix.
Shake, Rattle,Roll
2 Minute Read
I discovered that poorly lubed urethane bushings or rotten rubber bushings cause lots of problems. The relentless squeak and creak of the suspension as it groans to maintain some sense of roadworthiness like a modern car is how I came to that conclusion.