A Dog’s Life
Is Your Dog a Retriever?
Not all dogs are considered “working dogs.” Some are couch potatoes. But with training and daily exercise any dog can be trained to retrieve.
Pepsi Saved My Dog's Life
Believe it, or not drinks like Pepsi and Coke may actually keep your dog healthy and safe! Here’s my true story.
Force-Free Training for Retrievers
Karen Pryor wrote a book that I've read many times called Don't Shoot the Dog. It is a training manual for dog owners that I encourage everyone to read at least once. Anyone with a love for animals will get something from her advice and story that they may not find elsewhere.
Is Your Dog a Hollywood Star?
Ever since the days of Lassie on TV or the slobbering St. Bernard in the feature film Beethoven, dogs have been used in television and film production.
5 Easy Dog Training Tips
My dog is smarter than your dog! Ever heard that one? My dog sits, fetches, heels, spins on a dime to every whistle command and comes when I call her. Can your dog do that? If that sounds familiar, I've got good news. Your dog can easily learn these simple commands. Dogs are begging to be trained.